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Download Saga, Vol. 2

Details of Book
Name : Saga, Vol. 2
ISBN : 1607066920
Number of pages : 192 pages


From Booklist Vaughan and Staples’ wholly original Saga (2012) won Eisner awards for best new and best continuing series, and it’s no surprise. This smash hit continues to be a powerhouse: intergalactic intrigue, truly alien aliens, multifaceted characters, and a universe full of lush environments all wrapped around a compellingly told story of forbidden love in wartime. Marko and Alana are still on the run, evading the hired assassins in hot pursuit, but now they’ve been joined by Marko’s disapproving but fiercely loyal parents. Hazel’s insouciant narration is a high point, punctuating dramatic moments with well-timed, trenchant wit. Vaughan has a peculiarly wonderful world at his fingertips, and he’s setting himself up for something big, but it’s Staples’ stunning and otherworldly art that makes Saga such a thrilling read. Her rich, warm palette complements organic shapes not often seen in space adventure stories, and it’s this appealing combination that makes it so fresh. Vaughan and Staples are seriously upping the ante for comics. Fans will be eager to pick this up, and intrigued new readers won’t be far behind. --Sarah Hunter Read more

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